Plenary Speaker

Jacqueline McGlade, University College London, UK


Jacqueline McGlade is co-founder of Downforce Technologies, a global start-up providing advanced analytics and high-quality data for landscape restoration, regenerative agriculture, and investments in net zero and nature-based solutions. She is also Professor of International Public Policy, Strathmore University (Kenya), and Natural Prosperity, Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL (UK). Previously she was UN Environment’s Chief Scientist and Executive Director of the European Environment Agency. She serves on a range of boards including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Network of Government Scientific Advisors, US National Academies Sustainable Development Roundtable, EU High Level Expert Group on International Food Systems Science Policy and ESA and UKSA. She has > 200 publications, TEDx talk on Building Resilience to Climate Change , The Life Scientific  and lectures online, award winning films (Planet reThink, Netflix Our Great National Parks) and honours - Knight of the Order of St James (Monaco); Honorary Doctorates from Bangor, Keele and Kent; 2013 Global Citizen; 2017 Geospatial Ambassador; Il monitor del Giardino Award (Italy); Masaryk Gold Medal (Czech Republic); 1992 Minerva Prize (Germany); 1991 Jubileum Award (Sweden).

Twitter: @JacquieMcGlade

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